Rating on Control Room Index (comparative cost data for production in Poland)
Rating on Control Room Index (comparative cost data for production in Poland)
Number of people allowed on set – unlimited
Travel restrictions – no quarantine for incoming visitors
Poland is able to move back to a high level of work already at this point, in a very cost competitive environment. All hospitality has resumed and life is returning to normal. They are able to work on any script and location and able to source crews; only permits take slightly longer. Poland is opening up as a popular location for low-cost shooting, with the same safety measures as other countries but have no time limits or curfews. They have zones (red, yellow and blue) to limit the amount of people in one place at one time. They are acting with social distancing, extra time and hygienic measures to meet all challenges. It’s clear that remote-shooting will become a new way of working, particularly as countries such as Poland open up earlier than others.